California’s bad financial situation is good news for 6 million golden state drivers.
If you never paid off that old traffic ticket (pre-2009), the State of California is offering you a limited-time deal: pay within the first half of 2012 and they’ll knock up to 50% off the fine.

(Courtesy Richard Masoner / Cyclelicious on Flickr)
You know, sometimes things fall between the cracks. Whether it’s because of your financial situation or just plain forgetfulness, now is the time to get that old traffic ticket taken care of. You clear your conscience and the state makes approximately $46 million (projected) to help stabilize their dire financial situation.
Of course there are restrictions and fine print. For example, your ticket cannot be for drunk driving, reckless driving or a parking ticket. SFGate is also reporting that the discount and scope of amnesty can vary by county, based on the type of infraction.
You also need to meet the following qualifications:
-You have an outstanding traffic case that was due to be paid in full before January 1, 2009
-You either failed to appear in court or failed to pay in full
-The last date you made a payment was on or before January 1, 2009
-You don’t owe restitution to a victim on any case within the county where the traffic case was filed
-You have no outstanding misdemeanor or felony warrants within the county where the traffic case was filed.
(Other eligibility requirements may vary from county to county.)
Bottom line, get it taken care of after the new year!